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Food Pantry Expansion Celebration Thurs. June 17 3 pm: More Than 900 Pounds of Food Arriving

Come help us bless, dedicate, and stock our Food Pantry with our first order from the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma; 900 pounds of food to distribute. Come sign up and learn how to be a volunteer. Come take. Spread the Word.

Thank you to our OU Tulsa graduate social work student this past year, Adriane Jaynes, for all her hard work getting us to this point, to all the students with the OU classes who worked with Turley and Area residents on this project in community forums, and to the hard working Board members and volunteers of A Third Place Community Foundation for having the original vision and donating funds and sweat and equipment to set it up and get it ready for the food coming on Thursday. A great beginning and only a small piece of our Food Justice Work, but a big step.

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