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Turley on Channel 2 News

Our "A Third Place" Center received more television coverage this weekend, on Tulsa Channel 2 news, as we did our Turley Talks kick-off event partnering with OU. I haven't been able to find any of the television coverage posted on the web at the news station in order for you to link to, but you can read the web story at

The video included shots outside and some inside our space as the community forum were being held, and they also did some shots of places around the community. They were here early in the day and their coverage focused more on the needs of the area, while the program itself is focusing on the assets we have, uncovering and unleashing them, and building community from the inside out and the bottom up rather than waiting for "fixes" to come from anywhere or anyone else.

Free meal for those who participate. Next gatherings will be Friday, April 4 from 6 to 9 p.m. and Sat. April 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Everyone had a fantastic time. Come and participate and talk about what you like about living in Turley, what our strengths and assets are, breaking stereotypes and going beyond statistics. OU is helping us to identify our strengths, connect them, and unleash them to address our challenges.

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