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Christmas in Turley Area and Other Coming Events


A Third Place Community Center
6514 N. Peoria Ave. 794-4637

“doing small acts of justice with great love changes the world”

OU Medicine Clinic Mondays and Fridays at A Third Place. 619-4400 for appt.
OSU Nutrition Class Mondays 11 am at A Third Place.
Turley Fire Department Meetings, each Thursday, 7 pm, 6404 N. Peoria
12-Step Recovery Group, Saturdays, 7:30 pm A Third Place Center
Community Coalitions Meeting Rep. Seneca Scott, Tulsa Community College NE, Apache and Harvard, southside, first Fridays 5:30 pm
Turley Water Board meets last working day of month, 8:30 am
Turley Community Association at O’Brien Park last Tuesdays 7 pm
LivingRoom Church at A Third Place meets Sundays, 10 am, A Third Place

Recent activities (for more of what has been going on read other posts below):
We had on Sat. Dec. 5, Noon, an All Volunteers Meet and Free Meal and on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 6:30 pm “Greenfingers” movie free, sponsored by Let Turley Bloom, which meets each second Tuesday for a movie documentary and planning garden projects in our area. On Wed. Dec. 9, 6:30 pm A Third Place Community Foundation Board met.

Coming Events

Saturday, Dec. 12, 8 to 10 am Community Breakfast, A Third Place; freewill donation, each Second Saturday, continental healthy breakfast bar, meet other residents and community leaders, deepen connections, build multigenerational multi racial community.

Saturday, Dec. 12, 10 am to Noon, Community Gardening at 66th and N. Lewis and other places or Acts of Kindness projects indoors depending on weather, second Saturdays of each month

We have had to reschedule the How To Help Your Child’s Education through Computers” presented by Rosemary Powell of Tulsa Libraries. Instead of this coming Tuesday it will now be scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 pm with free meal for participants

Tuesday, Dec. 22, 6:30 pm Annual Christmas Open House, Carolling, Reception