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The Living Room Church events in A Third Place in Turley

We have lots of volunteers from different churches in the Turley area and from those with no church affiliation. We hope to grow with even more and help all the churches in our area grow in service and spirit. We also have The Living Room church meeting on Wednesday evenings in A Third Place, open to all. In May on Wednesdays there will be a special read and discuss of the latest book by Shane Claiborne called "Jesus for President: politics for ordinary radicals". Common meal at 6 p.m. open to all, followed by the conversation, and all are invited to stay for the 7:30 p.m. short service of prayers, candle-lighting, communion. Come by to get a copy of the book or send email to Also for a preview go to and for more on The Living Room church mission go to the blog, Planting God Communities at

Turley Talks Sat. April 19 10-5 Stop By Free Pizza

Come Saturday to A Third Place Center, 6514 N. Peoria Ave., and experience another round of Turley Talks with OU graduate students helping us build on the strengths and assets of our area for future projects. Come and say thanks to them. Come at 10 a.m. for welcome and forum on positive potential for Turley's future. Come at noon for free pizza and say thanks to OU. Come at 1:30 p.m. for more interviews with Turley area residents. Stay for community forums on the future of Turley and an evaluation of Turley Talks and how to keep it going and growing.

Thanks to all who have helped get this started: The OU graduate social work department in Tulsa and Norman; the members of the Turley Community Association, the Living Room Church, the volunteers at A Third Place, and all who are participating. Spread the news.

What do you love about our area? What would you love to see in our area? Growing ways "WE" can help one another and make a difference.